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Driving Instructor Training ORDIT Registered- Prime Driving School



Prime Driving School is an ORDIT registered school

ORDIT was set up by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) to protect the

public from substandard driving instructor training and unscrupulous business practices. ORDIT is managed by the DVSA and members failing to maintain the

required standard may be removed (or feel compelled to resign) from ORDIT.


Prime Driving School does maintain the highest standards that are required to be ORDIT registered with all driving instructor training being carried out by only ORDIT registered trainers.

To have your organisation approved by the DVSA and the various trade associations you must submit your organisation to regular inspections and abide by the ORDIT code of practice covering advertising, selling and customer care. 

Why would companies not be on ORDIT?

If an organisation is not on ORDIT it is probably because they do not wish to be bound by the ORDIT code of practice or employ the services of properly DVSA ORDIT qualified driving instructor trainers throughout their driving instructor training programme. Alternatively, it is simply because they couldn't reach the required minimum training standard.

Driving instructor training session